21 Things everyone should know by 21

Because adult-ing is more than just taking selfies at HomeGoods

After turning the big 2-1 this past year (and after the hangover from turning 21 faded), something sort of silly dawned on me: this was the true beginning of adulthood. Bills were coming in my name. The doctor never expected to hear from my parents when I needed to come in. And my number one response to trying to solve a problem was not supposed to be "Keep Calm and Call Mom," no matter what the mug on my desk said.

So because that wasn't an option, a list of things I (as well as all of my fellow twentysomethings) should be able to accomplish on our own started to come to fruition. Don't feel bad if you're not sure about some of these things — admittedly, I'm not either. But the only place things can go from here is up!