We all need a little encouragement from time to time, and Jacqueline, the artist at Chibird.com, has a goal to brighten your day. Her encouraging images are plastered across the internet on Imgur, reddit, Facbeook, tumblr, and everywhere in between. And once you see them, you'll immediately see why! No matter what's got you down, her work can lift your spirits after just a few clicks, and while you're on your way to finding your True Self, positivie encouragement can go a long way. Visit her archives for tons of uplifting pictures, and check out a slideshow of some of her adorable images below.
Often, we are our own biggest enemy. We need to remind ourselves to stay positive and be proud of the good we do.
Another thing we need to remember is to keep fighting. There's a difference between failing a few times and being a failure. To avoid the latter, all you have to do is never give up.
We all have bad times. There's no shame in it. What's important is to remember that you have to give things time. Things won't stay like they are right now. As long as you're striving to get better, it will get better.
We live in a world of instant gratification. Sometimes it's hard to remind ourselves that just because something doesn't happen immediately, that doesn't mean it's not going to happen. Keep looking, keep trying. You'll get there.
Aim big if that's what you want. Someone might try to discourage you, but if you have drive and motivation, what you can accomplish might just amaze everyone.
Don't ever stop being you. In today's social media world, we often compare our behind-the-scenes to other people's highlight reel, which makes it really easy to be down on ourselves, but don't fall into that trap. Who you are is amazing, and you should be proud of the person you've become and are still growing into.
This isn't the first time you've been up against something difficult. Use what you've learned to help you now. At the very least, remember that you've overcome other hard times, so you can do it now too.
As long as you are pushing forward, you're doing a good job. Any progress is still progress, no matter how small. The only way to fail is to give up trying.
It's ok to breathe every now and then. In fact, it's important to. Give yourself a little time to just be you and to recharge. You deserve it.
It's important to be good to others, but it's at least equally important to be good to yourself. Don't put yourself on the back-burner, and don't treat yourself worse than you'd treat someone else. Be supportive of who you are.
No one, seriously, no one goes for 24/7 without needing a break. You need a break. This is not a sign of weakness; it's a sign of someone who has worked hard and needs to recharge. Don't feel guilty for taking care of yourself when you need it.
No one knows everything. The only thing that's "dumb" is not being open to learning more! And you're entitled to dream, to want, and to grow! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
There's someone out there who looks up to you. You may not even know it, but you are a light in someone's life. Be proud.