Spring has sprung and that means wedding season is here. You might have already gotten your invitation in the mail or your anticipating handful to come through the mail. But what do you wear? Wedding pictures can last forever and feeling out of place for a event that tends to be longer isn't fun.
Here is your guide on what to wear to every type of wedding.
1. White tie wedding
There is no wiggle room here. If your invitation says white-tie, gentlemen have to wear a white tie and tails. Gowns are a must for ladies. It doesn't have to be a full out ball gown, but a formal floor length is the dress code.
2. Black tie wedding
There are more options here for the ladies here. A floor length gown is acceptable but so is a glitzy cocktail dress. But a tea length dress works too. If you're unsure about length, ask the bride what's okay with her or check the bridesmaids' dresses. If you feel confident in a Janelle Monae-style tuxedo, you can wear that, too Guys are stuck with a tuxedo.
3. Black tie optional
For those of you who wonder what on earth this means, it means black tie is completely appropriate but so is cocktail attire for ladies. Guys have two choices: a tuxedo or a dark suit and tie.
4. Cocktail attire
Cocktail weddings tend to be a tad bit more casual. Tea length or cocktail length is acceptable. Men can get away with more. If it's a summer wedding, lighter color suit is fine. A sports coat or a velvet jacket is complete fine. So is a black suit. It's what your heart desires.
5. Semiformal
Here it's important to match the tone of your dress to time and location of the wedding. Wear lighter fabrics for the day and heavier fabrics for the evening. Look at the invitation to see how formal the wedding is. If you have questions, ask. Men need to be in a suit or jacket/pants combo. Similar rules to cocktail attire apply here.
6. Dressy casual
Dressy separates, day dresses, and certain tea length dress work. A man can be in some form of jacket/pants combo. Tie is optional. Loafers, brogues, smoking slippers are optional footwear. Unless deemed ok by the bride, stay away from jeans and formal fabrics like satin.
7. Beach attire
Maxi dresses and billowy summer dresses are perfect for a beach wedding. Don't wear stilettos to the beach. A dressy sandal or wedge will keep your from sinking into the ground. A shawl or light sweater might be ideal for the evening as the temperature drops. A summer or linen suit with no tie works great for men.