
21 Foods For Gorgeous Skin

Not only is food delicious, but it can also enhance your beauty. That's right. The natural vitamins and minerals in the following foods give skin that natural glow. Eat up!

1. Almonds

Almond oil is commonly used in cosmetics because almonds are rich in antioxidants and Vitamin E. You can even make your own almond oil face scrub!

2. Avocado

Get amazing anti-aging benefits, revitalize your scalp, and tame your frizz with this green wonder!

3. Bananas

Chock-full of potassium, lectins, and Vitamins A, B and E, bananas make a wonderful skin mask. Just add honey and mash.

4. Beets

Beets are filled with folate, which is a strong anti-aging agent. Drinking beet juice will help pump up that healthy glow.

5. Blueberries

Believe it or not, blueberries can actually help fight acne. They also help destroy free radicals in the skin, leaving it feeling younger and softer.

6. Broccoli

The Vitamin C in broccoli helps regenerate collagen. It can even be used to protect your skin from the sun!

7. Cantaloupe

Another fruit filled with powerful vitamins and antioxidants, cantaloupe is in the running for giving you the glow of your life.

8. Carrots

Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which is converted into Vitamin A in our bodies. Carrots help keep us immune to damaging sun rays and moisturize our skin.

9. Chocolate

A lot of people think that chocolate is related to breakouts, but the flavonols in chocolate actually help skin look young and reduce stress hormones. (That means less wrinkles!)

10. Coconut Milk

This sweet milk can be made into a face mask, bath, or dandruff shampoo. The benefits of coconut milk are unmatched!

11. Coffee

When turned into a scrub, coffee tightens the skin and reduces cellulite. Caffeine is filled with antioxidants which have incredible anti-aging properties.

12. Eggs

An egg white mask can get rid of facial hair, shrink your pores, and reduce oily skin. Not only are eggs nutritious, but they also make you beautiful.

13. Grapeseed Oil

Contrary to what you might think, this oil actually helps regulate your natural oil production. Vitamin C works alongside antioxidants to brighten the skin.

14. Green Tea

Green tea can reduce puffy eyes and clear acne! It works as an anti-inflammatory and skin toner.

15. Kale

You might be surprised to find out that kale has copper in it. This mineral boosts melanin in the skin, which protects you from the sun.

16. Lean Red Meat

Lean red meats give your skin the glycine, proline, and zinc necessary to produce collagen. Zinc also works as an anti-inflammatory.

17. Mangoes

The tropical fruit can exfoliate, treat dark spots and blackheads, and can even help prevent hair loss and grays. We say yes all the way to this wonderfruit.

18. Olives

Heard of olive-toned skin? There's a reason. Olives boost immunity and can moisturize skin. Antioxidants save the day from damaging free radicals.

19. Red Bell Peppers

These red beauties help collagen production and speed hair growth.

20. Spinach

The leafy green is great at repairing skin cells and fighting looks of aging!

21. Wild Salmon

The omega-3 fatty acids in salmon help to keep skin moisturized. The mineral selenium helps protect your skin from the sun.

There you have it. Gorgeous skin is not far away when these ingredients are everywhere! Eat and enjoy the results!