
4 Foods That Can Make You Stink

When your most recent meal turns on you.

One important part of what makes food great is its inviting aroma. If a pile of chocolate mousse smelled like what it could easily be mistaken for, we'd never eat the stuff. #pooemoji.

While some foods might smell tempting while being prepared and devoured, they can make your body stink hours and even days later! Talk about digestion dilemmas. While everybody metabolizes food and drinks differently, these 4 foods are common B.O. culprits that you may not have realized are making you the poster child for someone who needs more deodorant. And a heavy spritz of perfume, for good measure.


Often used in Indian food, curry is a savory spice that adds a wallop of flavor to a dish. It can also pack a punch after it's eaten and the scent starts seeping through your pores and can remain in the pores for days, slowly leaking its unpleasant smell.

According to Medical Daily, "Berkeley Wellness at the University of California, Berkeley, says a mom's prenatal diet, if it regularly includes strong spices like curry, cumin, or fenugreek, could possibly affect her newborn's body odor." Passing along good genes? Good. Sharing a maternal stench? Aren't dirty diapers rotten enough?

Red Meat

Vegetarians, rejoice, because along with your dietary preference comes a better overall scent. Meat eaters' mouths may water from the smell of a T-bone grilling on the barbeque, but after it's been wolfed down, the smell of their bodies is a far cry from anything pleasurable.

As per Men's Fitness, "A large portion of red meat is harder to digest in the G.I. tract, leaving residue behind, that, when released through sweat will mix with bacteria and intensify your odor." That veggie burger is suddenly looking a lot more appealing.


Cabbage is a healthy choice for any diet, plus its crunch and texture makes it a side dish staple. It may smell a tad odd to some while it's cooking, but once it's eaten, the taste is always enjoyed. But just wait. If you thought cooking cabbage smelled a bit off, then you'll be totally repelled by your own scent after you've eaten a helping.

According to NextAvenue, "The issue with these cruciferous vegetables is their sulfur, which your body breaks down into compounds that are actually similar to those responsible for the smell of rancid butter. Your body odor can change for the worse as early as one hour after consuming these vegetables." Now you know to go for the macaroni salad vs. the coleslaw!


Sniffing a glass of merlot or a nice brandy is always a treat, and the effects of a slight buzz are always welcome. Many alcoholic beverages pair wonderfully with a variety of foods and the issue of a poor odor is rarely an issue. That said, wait 'till you smell yourself the following day.

According to MNN, Mother Nature Network, "If you've had a lot to drink the night before, you can smell all through the next day, as your body metabolizes the stuff. It comes out through your pores as you sweat, and via your breath." Men's Fitness tells us that what causes the small is acetic acid and the more you drink, the worse you'll smell. So stick to a drink or two to avoid smelling like a fraternity house the next day. "Cheers" are better than sneers.

OK, so you may not eliminate these items from your diet, but at least you've been warned. Understandably, sometimes temptations beat out repercussions!