
5 Supposedly Unhealthy Foods that are Actually Good for You

Welcome them back with open arms and an open mouth!

You hear it all the time. "Don't eat that, it's bad for you!" While some foods really are terrible for you, deep fried Oreos for example, others get a bad rap for being unhealthful when they can actually be part of a balanced diet. Sure, diet fads come and go, and the flavor of the month, so to speak, goes from "super food" to "junk food" before you can step on the scale.

These 5 foods are often deemed unhealthy by the average Joe, but in reality, they are foods that are chock-full of health benefits. Each one is delicious, so it's no wonder they've been perceived as being indulgent, no-good-for-you foods. Get ready to chow down on these delights you may have banished from your diet. Welcome them back with open arms and an open mouth!

Egg Yolks

If you've been ordering egg whites-only omelets for brunch for the past decade, rejoice! It's time to bring some color (yellow, specifically) into your meal by finally enjoying the yolks too.

Cholesterol was once the determining factor in health-minded folks' choice to go yolk-free, but as per Spoon University, "Research has shown that saturated fat, not cholesterol, is the prime culprit behind deteriorating heart health." In addition, according to Livestrong, "In addition to three grams of protein, egg yolks are packed with vitamin D, phosphorus, riboflavin, choline, and selenium." Protein will keep you fuller longer too, so no mid-morning cravings when you've had eggs for breakfast.

So get crackin' and enjoy the whole egg for a change. The taste is so rich and the health factor is egg-cellent!


Potatoes are often considered a no-no among people who are seeking to lose or manage their weight. A common carb, spuds are too often pushed to the side and replaced by a side salad. Of course, that salad is a great choice, but when you're craving potatoes, no cucumber slice or broccoli spear can ever compete.

And now they don't have to, because potatoes are perfectly healthful, as long as they are prepared properly. Baked, boiled, or even nuked in the microwave, a potato is only about 150-175 calories, fiber-rich (keep the skin), and high in potassium and antioxidants.

Livestrong adds, "Potatoes provide resistant starch, a type of carbohydrate that cannot be digested so it helps regulate blood sugar levels while helping to keep you full."

Bake a potato and fill it with salsa, roasted veggies, low-fat cheese, or even some herbs and spices. You won't miss the fries or tater tots… promise!

Peanut Butter

So creamy, so sweet, so not part of your diet since you were 9 years old. Well, not anymore! Peanut butter can be good for you, so get ready to embrace your inner child once again. As long as you choose a variety with no added sugars or hydrogenated oils, good old PB is a great choice for high-protein, healthy, filling fat, and fiber. According to Livestrong, "Women who eat one serving of nuts or peanut butter two or more times per week are nearly 25 percent less likely to be obese and gain fewer pounds than women who rarely eat these foods according to recent research from the Harvard School of Public Health."

A little goes a long way, so stick to the recommended serving size, but even a tablespoon or two is enough to keep you feeling satisfied and delighted. Try a smear on sliced apples or add a spoonful to a smoothie. Mom was right all those years ago after all!


Avocados have a bad reputation due to their high fat content, but the fats in avocados are unsaturated, making them part of a balanced diet. They are creamy, filling, and versatile, so embrace this guacamole star and enjoy every moment of it.

As per Authority Nutrition, avocados are high in Vitamin K, C, B5, B6, and E, and are full of potassium and folate as well. A small serving is the key as to not rack up calories, but a modest helping is more than enough when it comes to the unique flavor and texture of the avocado.

Pair some mashed avocado with diced tomatoes and peppers and spread on a whole wheat pita. Mix into smoothies, or chop onto a fresh salad. With so many uses, you won't believe that you ever survived without avocados in your everyday life up to this point!


Yes, you read it right. Chocolate is good for you! Opt for dark chocolate and you'll be doing something good for your body.

Livestrong notes, "Dark chocolate decreases LDL ("bad") cholesterol, reduces blood clots, and is associated with better cognitive performance in the elderly. A 2008 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that overweight individuals who consumed a dark chocolate bar had improved blood vessel health and decreased blood pressure as compared with those who ate a placebo." Chocolate for better health? Count us in!

The darker the better, and that can be assessed by the cacao level – aim for 60% or more. And keep your portion to a morsel or two, as chocolate can be high-calorie. Dessert time is back, baby!

If your mouth is watering, satisfy your cravings with one of these 5 foods. No more feeling guilty for eating what you love!