
11 Day-Of Beach Tips to Help You Look Your Very Best

Our staff at TrueSelf truly believes in the claim that the best way to get a bikini body is to simply take a bikini and put it on your body. But even so, we understand the overwhelming desire to look your very best when you're headed on a tropical vacation or to the local beach for the day. So without further adieu, here are our favorite tips and tricks to ensure you feel your most confident the next time you slip on your swimwear:

1. Stay away from sodium

Salty foods can cause extra bloating around your midsection, which is something you probably want to avoid when you're rocking your new two-piece.

2. Avoid alcohol

Blasphemous, we know. Although it may be difficult, avoiding alcohol the day before going to the beach can help you look your slimmest in your swimsuit.

3. Cut out carbs

Food rules are the worst. But cutting carbs from your diet prior to your trip to the beach can reduce bloating and keep your tummy flat.

4. Hydrate!

Drinking water not only helps reduce water retention, but it can help your skin look dewy and glowy as well. Stay hydrated and you'll be looking like a beachy goddess in no time.

5. Hit the gym for a quickie

Going to the gym in the morning before you hit the pool can really help your muscles pop. If you don't have time, dropping down into a plank and cranking out a few sit-ups can be just the extra boost you need when trying to look your best.

6. Reach for the probiotics

Taking a probiotic can help you with any excess bloat that you haven't already combatted with your temporary salt/alcohol/carbs ban.

7. Slather on a self-tanner

Self tanner is proven to make you look and feel healthier and thinner. Okay, maybe this isn't technically proven, but trust us. It will help.

8. Practice good posture

Standing up straight can immediately make you look 20 pounds thinner. And I bet you sat u straighter when you read that.

9. Feast on flat-belly foods

Yes. You can eat before you head to the beach. But make sure you're filling up on foods that won't cause you to bloat or feel sluggish.

10. Pick the perfect suit

Treating yourself to a swimsuit that fits you perfectly is an immediate confidence booster, so make sure you try on several different styles before you make your choice. That way you know you'll be picking the perfect style for your body shape.

11. Smile

This is so cheesy but it's so true. Nothing screams confidence quite like a killer smile. And even if you aren't feeling incredibly confident, plastering a smile across your face will you fake it till you make it.

And don't forget your sunscreen!