Feel Your Best In 3 Months With These Superfood Supplements

Looking my best for bikini season used to be my number one priority when summer rolled around. As I've gotten a little older, my life has become a lot more hectic and my priorities have started to shift. I work a ton of hours at a job that I love, but it can still be stressful a lot of the time. I turned 29 a couple of months ago, and decided that I wanted to focus less on how I looked, and more on how I felt. Frankly, I was stressed, my energy was at an all time low, I was finding it hard to concentrate, and my skin and hair just weren't glowing like they had in my early 20's. I'd been taking the same, generic multivitamin for years, but when my friend told me about MadeFor, a customized daily supplement subscription, I was curious if it could make a difference in time for summer.

Made For offers a curated mix of vitamins that are tailored for each individual, as well as a 90 Day Challenge blend, that is specially made to help you press the reset button on your health and get you looking and feeling good, fast. Their "Summer Superhero Pack" is designed to help support your skin, metabolism, digestion and immune system in 90 days. It sounded like the perfect way for me to feel my best in time for summer. I'm a goal oriented, deadline kind of person, so I loved that I had a clear understanding of how long it would take for me to start feeling the effects. The vitamins are all GMO free, and are delivered in pre portioned daily packs, ready to take every morning. Made For 's experts have carefully selected their top vitamins and supplements and paired them together to give you optimal results in a short amount of time.

When ordering the 90 Day Challenge Blend, I had a momentary freak out because my cart was over $120! But I quickly realized that was just because of my personalized, recommended pills from taking the quiz still being in my cart. But you can simply delete what you don't want, so you're left with the amount and price point you are comfortable with. When they arrived I was so excited because they had my name on them! The vitamins included essentials like Vitamin C, which helps protect your skin from UV damage and fights against the visible signs of aging, and Vegan Vitamin D, which boosts metabolism, energy and alertness. The 90 day blend also had supplements that I had never tried before, like Vegan Omega 3, that helps heal sun damaged skin (which sounded great heading into tanning season!). It also had CLA, another great one for boosting your metabolism, strength and endurance, perfect for those last minute summer body workouts! After just a couple weeks of using the dream team of vitamins, I started to feel less bloated and felt my concentration levels improve.

After a month, I felt like I had the energy to work out more, and my skin was looking better than it had in a long time. Having the right mix of vitamins, pre-portioned and ready to take every day made getting optimal nutrition something I could easily fit into my morning routine. Plus, it works out to less than $2 a day -- totally worth it for how much healthier I felt! After the 90 days were up, I felt a huge difference in my overall mood and energy levels. My body finally felt like it was functioning at its best, which gave me all the confidence I needed to really enjoy summer. After I finished my 3 month Superhero Pack, I went online and took MadeFor'squiz to determine what vitamins I need, based on my diet, exercise routine and lifestyle. They curated a totally unique mix especially for me, and I'm excited to keep my health in optimal shape. The vitamins in the 90 Day Challenge really gave my body the boost it needed, and I'm excited to keep those good feelings going all summer long. 10/10 recommend!

Update: Madefor is offering an exclusive offer for Trueself readers: Get Up to 20% OFF Your First 3 Boxes