Insurance Provider to Subsidize Apple Watch

You may not have to pay for an Apple Watch

If you've been holding out on shelling out for an Apple Watch, good news: you might not have to. The insurance provider Aetna announced in a statement last week that it will subsidize the Apple Watch for its members.

It was not said whether certain Aetna members will receive the subsidy or how much of the Apple Watch Aetna will subsidize, but the company did say it will be a "significant portion of the Apple Watch cost, offering monthly payroll deductions to make covering the remaining cost easier." Aetna told CNN Money that there would be "no health requirements to qualify for the smartwatch."

On top of that, all of Aetna's 50,000 employees will receive an Apple Watch at no cost.

Apple has largely touted its first piece of wearable technology around for its health and fitness tracking benefits— the newest edition of the watch being waterproof, therefore allowing users to track their swimming stats. The watch can also track users' heart rate and sleep cycle.

In the statement, Aetna also revealed it is working to create iOS-exclusive health apps. Fortune reports the apps will run on the iPhone and iPad as well as the Apple Watch and "remind people when to take their medications and when to order refills, guide users through health events like being prescribed a new medication, as well as provide insurance information."

Aetna's moves make sense, as members who spend more time tracking their health and focusing on improving it are more likely to take care of any potential health issues faster.

You can buy the brand new Apple Watch Series 2 with an aluminum body for $369 and the stainless steel version for $369. The Apple Watch Series 1 starts at $269.