
Bees are Dying, What Does this Really Mean for Us?

Bees are dying. And no, while this isn't brand new information, many of us aren't aware of the enormous ramifications that will occur in our own lives by the loss of bees. With seven species of bees now on the endangered species list - and now the bumble bee has been added to the list - this is a very real threat, and our everyday lives can and will be affected by their deaths.

Bees are the most efficient pollinators in the world, and are the reason we have most of the delicious crops and foods we do. One of the main reasons of their dying is certainly due to pesticides and the genetic contamination of foods by billion dollar companies such as Monsanto. But the even greater reason bees are quickly becoming endangered is due to climate change.

While some may roll their eyes at this, the fact of the matter is, no matter what you choose to believe, it's going to majorly suck when you no longer can get fresh strawberries or avocados at your convenience. And those are just a couple of the crops that will be affected. Approximately 75% of food and crops are dependent, even if just partially, on the pollination of bees, which means the global food supply will be at risk.

Maybe that's what corporations like Monsanto want. For us to be forced into dependency on chemicals and genetically modified foods provided by them, but I'd like to think that the majority of us find that super gross and would rather have the ability to have autonomy over our own bodies and choose natural foods not touched by big corporations, but rather that come from the local, organic farmer and his or her family.

Here are just a few of the foods and crops that we need bees for: apples, coffee, cucumber, watermelon, pears, hazelnuts, cotton, cocoa, vanilla, elderberry, raspberry, blackberry, broccoli, brussel sprouts, plums. For a more complete list, click here.

We don't have to lose these foods or the bees. In local and state legislatures we can work to pass bills limiting or expelling the use of certain pesticides - like the bill passed in Eugene, Oregon or the one passed in California. The USDA is also encouraging collaborations between crop-growers and beekeepers. Additionally, programs that help teach and assist locals and hobbyists to become beekeepers themselves are incredibly helpful and can hopefully continue to grow.

The point is, bees dying isn't just a thing happening around us that we can ignore. Each and every one of us will be impacted, and I don't know about you, but I happen to love eating avocados, wearing cotton, and using rose hip oil in my skincare routine. So let's do whatever we can to save those pointy-butt weirdos!