
The 3 Best Detox Plans to Lose Weight and Get Healthy

Detoxes that leave you feeling like a lean, mean fighting machine

Overdid it in December? Don't despair! Detox! A detox can rev your metabolism, deflate your bourbon-ball belly, and leave you feeling like a lean, mean fighting machine. Bring it on, 2019!

The Detox for Those Who Hate to Cook

You want grab-and-go convenience with no shopping, no prep, and nary a gas burner turned on. But you also don't want to eat sodium-laden garbage like. Splendid Spoon, a detox of smoothies and soups, is your jam. The dishes are plant-based, vegan, gluten-free, and made with GMO-free ingredients and designed by an advisory board that includes a a registered dietitian and a professional chef.

What the fans say:

"One thing I like about Splendid Spoon that I don't find in other meal subscription boxes is their focus on mindful eating. Food culture in the US is built around the rush of life—fast food, grab-and-go food, foods you can whip up in 3 minutes in a microwave… Splendid Spoon tries to combat that by encouraging their subscribers to appreciate what you feel while you eat so that you can recognize your body's positive response to healthy, filling food. It might sound a little woo-woo, but I found the idea of making time to intentionally and attentively eat my food kind of revolutionary. After a week of eating that way, I started to understand when my body was truly hungry and what it was hungry for. In other words, I'm no longer reaching for the closest thing that sounds fun. My appetite is learning to be more discerning, and I'm getting better at responding to it with things it actually wants. And when I do eat, I'm trying to give myself time to appreciate the flavors and the ways they do and don't satisfy me, so I can keep being more and more discerning."

"After two weeks on the plan, I was down 3 pounds. My weight had stagnated for a month before trying Splendid Spoon, despite regular intense workouts, so this was pretty great!"

The Detox for Those Who Love to Eat

"I'm a hedonist," writes Sara Dickerman. "I mark the holidays with rib roasts and bourbon balls. By the time January arrives, my eating habits could stand to be re-calibrated. But I'm not following December's indulgences with cayenne and lemon. How can I restore balance without giving up delicious food?"

Sound like you?

Then you might want to join Dickerman for the Food Lover's Cleanse she designed for Bon Appetit, a two-week program that's been wildly popular since it first landed on the internet in 2012. The online plan eschews white flour, alcohol, and sugar for flavorful, interesting recipes for discriminating palates made whole foods, like Greek yogurt with spiced pepitas, cashew crunch, and mango and braised chicken thighs with fennel and lemon. And now, the Food Lover's Cleanse is a book.

What the fans say:

"Recipes are simple and easy to find stuff. And it's normal food, not weird diet food and plants and grains you have never heard of. There is a shopping list at the end of each season that is awesome and allows you to go to the store with a list all ready to go to buy 2 weeks worth of meals."

All the recipes are delicious, seasonal, flavorful, and unexpected….And bonus--I feel amazing after eating them. If you love food and you are looking to lighten it up a bit in the kitchen (without sacrificing a single beloved food group or flavor profile) then this is for you. I can't speak to the actual "cleanse" programs since I really just use this as a cookbook, but I'm guessing if you ate like this every day you'd feel pretty damn good too."

The Detox for Those Who Want to Keep It Simple

You don't want a shopping list as long as your arm. You don't want to have to go to specialty stores for adzuki beans. You don't want this to be a project you need an assistant for. You also don't want to spend beaucoup de bucks feeling a little lighter and a lot more energetic.

Enter Joy Bauer of the Today Show. Her New Year's detox keeps things delightfully simple with a menu you repeat every day for up to a week. There are no funky ingredients, no laborious cooking: just three to five days of smoothies, salads, fish, greens, and lots of tea. Life is complicated enough. Your detox doesn't have to be.

What the fans say:

"I wasn't as hungry as I thought I'd be. Shocking. I thought about food a whole lot less. Because it was already planned out, I didn't need to think about what was coming up and I was less fixated with my eating. It worked. Shit is cray."