How celebrities are real people dealing with real problems, too

Celebrities who prove that no matter your struggle you're not alone

Celebrities can seem almost inhuman with their larger than life personas and it can be easy to forget they're real people who struggle just like everyone else. Here are some celebrities that prove that no matter who you are and what you face you're not alone.

Prince Harry came forward in 2017 about his battle with depression as a result of his mother Princess Diana's passing. After ignoring his feelings instead of coming to terms with her death he stated that he had, "shut down all his emotions." After turning to counselors Prince Harry now says he feels as if he is in a good place and is opening up hoping that it will help break down the stigmas surrounding mental illness.

"The experience I have had is that once you start talking about it, you realise that actually you're part of quite a big club."

Lady Gaga has come forward about the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder she has as a result of her rape at age 19. She wrote an open letter opening up about her struggle and urging those who need help to seek it out.

"There is a lot of shame attached to mental illness, but it's important that you know that there is hope and a chance for recovery."

Gabrielle Union wrote an article in 2016 about the rape allegations against Nate Parker and discussed her own rape as a young woman. She wrote about taking on her role in Birth of a Nation as a way to talk about sexual violence and her inability to let the allegations slide.

"I took this part in this film to talk about sexual violence. To talk about this stain that lives on in our psyches. I know these conversations are uncomfortable and difficult and painful. But they are necessary."

Adele spoke with Vanity Fair about both her happiness in being a mother and her struggle with postpartum depression. Not being able to have the freedom she once had, feeling inadequate as a mother, and the embarrassment that all women feel when they need a break from motherhood. The interview shows how no matter who you are, motherhood can be a struggle but you're not alone.

"I had really bad postpartum depression after I had my son, and it frightened me."

Gwyneth Paltrow opened up on her website GOOP about her struggle with postpartum depression after the birth of her son Moses in 2006. She talked about her own experience realizing in hindsight that she wasn't just struggling with the "baby blues" and shares an explanation of the symptoms written by Dr. Laura Schiller. She opened up about it further in an interview with Good Housekeeping talking about how she started to recover once she admitted her feelings to herself.

"I thought postpartum depression meant you were sobbing every single day and incapable of looking after a child. But there are different shades of it and depths of it, which is why I think it's so important for women to talk about. It was a trying time. I felt like a failure."

Kid Cudi took to Facebook to reach out to his fans after he entered himself into rehab for depression and suicidal urges. He talked about fighting his feelings of shame and thinking "Why not me?" after he decided he was worthy enough to deserve happiness. His entrance into rehab sparked a conversation on social media about the stigmas against depression in both the rap and black communities and reminds everyone that they're worthy of being happy.

"I deserve to have peace. I deserve to be happy and smiling. Why not me? I guess I give so much of myself to others I forgot that I need to show myself some love too."

Kristen Bell wrote an open letter for Motto sharing her lifelong battle with depression and anxiety. Her mother's openness to discussing depression helped Kristen get the help she needed when she struggled in college. She advocates the need for an open dialogue about depression and reminds people there is no weakness or shame in struggling with mental illness.

"When you try to keep things hidden, they fester and ultimately end up revealing themselves in a far more destructive way than if you approach them with honesty. "

Russell Brand has talked about having an eating disorder as an adolescent growing up in the UK. Brand was struggling with binge-eating and vomiting at the age of 11 and his bulimia even returned when he entered rehab as an adult. Russell talked about the disorder as a product of his lonely childhood, how it is not a common illness among young boys, and how therapy has helped him.

'It was clearly about getting out of myself and isolation. Feeling inadequate and unpleasant.'

Demi Lovato has frequently opened up about her bulimia that had her checked into rehab at age 18. Raised in a household with other bulimic women Demi discussed how difficult it is being raised in that environment. Demi has also spoken up about her difficulties with substance abuse and mental illness. As a role model for a lot of young people she frequently advocates self care and seeking help for those who need it.

"If you know someone or if you're dealing with it yourself, just know that it is possible to live well. I'm proof of that."

Gigi Hadid, Gina Rodriguez, and Zoe Saldana all suffer from Hashimoto's thyroiditis which is an autoimmune disorder where the immune system attacks the thyroid gland. With fluctuations in metabolism and other health problems like inflammation and low calcium these women prove that external appearance isn't the best indicator for the health and well being of a person.

Lena Dunham and Halsey came out on social media to open up about their battles with endometriosis, a painful chronic disorder of the uterus. Many women struggle with finding the right diagnosis for female disorders and while it can be a painful and stressful process there are many women fighting to have their pain taken seriously by doctors.

There are many resources to get the help that you need and just remember, you're not alone.