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Gold Medalist Ice Dancers, Tessa & Scott, Reveal Their Secret To Eating Well

Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir, Ice Dancing Champions, arguably have some of the most tightly packed schedules in all of Canada. The five-time medalists have not only won the hearts of Canadians and wowed competition judges, they've also starred in their own reality TV show and toured the world on ice.

To stay fueled for their jam-packed life, Tessa and Scott look to the meal kit subscription, HelloFresh. They send pre-chopped, fresh ingredients and recipes right to your doorstep every week, so you have everything you need to cook a delicious dinner in just 30 minutes. Whether you're a pro-athlete on tour or a busy mom winning gold in balancing work and home life, HelloFresh is made for busy schedules.

Here's what Tessa and Scott adore about HelloFresh.

The food is super fresh.

Scott's a fan because of the fresh ingredients. "Rest and eating well is almost more important than the training hours," said Scott, "When you eat well and eat good food you feel better." HelloFresh sources many of their ingredients locally, like from Turkey Farmers of Canada, or Hooked Inc, a high-quality fish shop run by a husband and wife team.

The recipes are incredible.

When asked about his favorite dish, Scott said, "[We] haven't tried one we didn't like." As a self-proclaimed "steak and potatoes guy," Scott's been experimenting more with spices and loves the new cuisines that remind him of his travels, especially from Japan.

Tessa's favorites? "Garlic Lime Chicken Salsa-the corn was so good. Cajun Blackened gnocchi, too."

It fits everyone's palettes.

Tessa loves sweet and mild, while Scott prefers salty and spicy combinations, yet they've found lots of recipes they both like. Tessa also isn't a huge fan of red meat, but that hasn't been an issue at all. As a chicken eater, Tessa can choose chicken, fish and veggie recipes from the Pronto Plan; each week there are 12 different meals to choose from so there are plenty of options for picky eaters or those with special dietary needs.

It's mega-convenient.

Sure, not everyone has a tour bus with a stove top like Tessa and Scott do for on-the-go cooking, but with as little as 20 minutes per meal, HelloFresh is the perfect weeknight dinner option.

"It's very difficult, being conscious of being healthy," said Tessa. "Being prepared helps." The most you'll need with a HelloFresh recipe will be an oven and essentials like salt and pepper.

HelloFresh has changed the way they think about food.

Tessa opened up about how daunting cooking used to feel. "I disliked cooking until HelloFresh. I don't like not being good at something," says half of the most decorated figure skating duo in history. "It felt like a chore, [but HelloFresh has] given me the confidence to try new things."

Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir stay fueled on arguably one of the hardest competing schedules for athletes with HelloFresh. With fresh, pre-measured ingredients and easy-to-follow recipes, it's a no-brainer for fast and delicious meals. Starting at $10.83 per meal, your weekly menu is designed to make eating balanced and nutritious dinners a breeze.

Update: The folks at HelloFresh are extending a special offer to our readers! Follow this link to get $40 off your first box!