King Tut: Ancient Space Warrior

TrueNews | Friday, June 3, 2016

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TrueduJour: Killer Identified in UCLA Shooting

On Wednesday morning, UCLA was put on lockdown when a shooting occurred in one of the engineering buildings. The alleged shooter was recently identified as Mainak Sarkar, who killed his professor, William Klug -- a father of two -- before killing himself. While the investigation is still taking place, it is believed that the murder-suicide had to do with a grade dispute.

TrueOut: Out and About

Eric Fanning is the first openly gay Army Secretary, and he's proud of it. Fanning started as a junior aide during the Clinton administration, and didn't think there would ever be a future for a man like him in politics. However, he feels responsibility to honor his military family. He's got at least 8 months on the job, because come January 21st, he could "imagine [him]self on a beach somewhere."

TrueHistory: King Tut's Space Dagger

The journal, Meteoritics & Planetary Science released an article that claims the ancient dagger buried with King Tut is possibly composed of a meteorite. The authors of the article say that the Egyptians were fully aware of this material -- they even have a hieroglyph that translates to "iron of the sky."

TrueCelebrity: Brie, Not the Cheese

Since her Oscar win for the film, Room, actor Brie Larson has a lot on her plate. She's rumored to be the frontrunner in the upcoming Captain Marvel -- the first female-led superhero film. The talented star will also be featured in other films including the adaptation of The Glass Castle.

TrueFamily: Motherhood 2.0

Yesterday in Phoenix, a brother and sister were talking in the garage of her home. The sister said she had, "found the answer" and locked him out of the house. She then stabbed and killed her three children -- ages 8, 5, and 2 months -- before she stabbed herself in the abdomen. She was pregnant. The woman is now in critical condition, and mysteries to the case remain unsolved.

TrueTip: 13 Sexy Tips to Make Foreplay Last All Day

A little advice from us here at TrueSelf: "When the evening rolls around and you and your special someone are ready to "roll around" too, why get things started right before you jump in the sack? A little foreplay enhances the sexual experience, so why not extend your foreplay game to last all day long?" Check this out!

Stay true, people.

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