
7 ways to thank mom all year

Send some love all year round to the lady who gave birth to you.

Mother's Day comes around once a year and maybe you have brunch, send your ma a card and tell her you love her. But what about the other 364 days of the year? Once you've moved out, started your own life or even started your own family, it can be easy to spend less time with your mother. Except, maybe when she comments embarrassing tidbits on your Facebook photos. People enter and exit your life frequently—sometimes mom is the only one who has been there since day one. One of the best ways to show your mother you appreciate her is by remembering to include her in your current life and that doesn't cost a dime. Still take her to Mother's Day brunch, too.

1. Call her

Texting, messaging and liking have taken the original way of communicating. There is something very comforting about hearing a loved one's voice, even if it's on the phone. A just saying hello call takes only a few minutes of your time and shows you were thinking about her through your day.

2. Send her a note

Stationary is having a moment— especially hand crafted pieces. Send your mom beautiful thank you notes randomly through out the year. No matter how old you are, it's exciting to get mail that isn't bills or ads.

3. Visit her

Empty nest is legitimate thing even if parents are having blast being childless. Once you leave the house, it's easy to get caught up with life and visits home can be relegated to holidays and other special occasions. But a nice face-to-face visit can help stabilize a relationship.

4. Gather the brood and go home

Better yet, grab you significant other, your siblings and their significant others and pop in for a family visit. Or leave the significant others at home and make it a sibling visit. Why wait till turkey day for a family reunion? Let her know you are showing up first.

5. Let her know what's happening in your life

Take your phone conversations a step further than just saying hello and chatting about the news. Are you dating anyone? Did you meet a financial or career goal? Are you planning on taking a trip soon? It won't hurt to share the details of your life to the lady who birthed you.

6. Do something you use to do together

Remember wen you would binge watch episodes of Gilmore Girl? Or you would get treat form a local shop? Or make a meal together? Why not do that again? Nostalgia is all the rage anyway. Even you don't generally participate in that activity anymore you both care that you use share in the activity together.

7. Send just because small, personal gifts

You know how you feel when you get a letter in the mail? Well getting a package in the mail is even better. So send one to your mom. It doesn't have to be something big. It can be old photos you found, the candle she likes or any other personalized gift.

Send some love all year round to the lady who gave birth to you.