The 10 Perfect Gifts Everyone Should Have Gotten This Summer

There's a lot to celebrate in summer, and that's why it's useful to have a go-to list of gift ideas that will make anyone with a summer birthday the happiest person you know. Here's our top picks!


Want to learn how to make your own fancy summer cocktails at home? Crafthouse is a leader in the field of innovative drinkable delights!

Fruit Bouquets

Anyone can give flowers, but a gift that you can eat is much more fun. Edible Arrangements offers a variety of beautiful bouquets of fresh, chocolate covered fruit. Yum!

Crayon Rocks

If you have a little one in your life, this is the perfect gift. Create colorful masterpieces to decorate any environment.

Soft serve ice cream maker

Don't chase down the ice cream truck. Save your strength.

Pizza stone


And don't bother with the pizzeria either.

Hawaiian Sea Salt Collection

Season all of your favorite meals with this exotic collection!

Outdoor Safe

Keep all of your valuables safe even in the most extreme conditions.

Travel Pillow

We love relaxing. We love memory foam.

Fun Luggage Tags


We love these snarky luggage tags. Be the coolest suitcase on the baggage claim.

Popsicle molds

Make a frozen treat out of just about anything.

You'll be sure to be invited back next time your summer birthday has a party!