
Why Spring Is The Best Season To Get Liposuction

Spring has just arrived and while the temperatures are still cool, summer season is right behind. Summer brings with it long hot days on the beach, bikinis and skimpy, revealing clothing. The perfect venue to show off your silky curves and long toned legs. Now is also the time to address those pesky areas of your body that have been resistant to diet and exercise. Listed below are 5 reasons why you may want to consider Liposuction right now!

1. Time is needed to be ready for summer

Recovery from liposuction takes 4-6 weeks because most of the swelling after surgery requires that much time to resolve. So, to be ready to strut your stuff in that hot new bikini, you need to give your body time to heal.

2. Post holiday diet and exercise programs have done all that they can

Pounds gained during holiday partying in December have hopefully been lost, or at least reduced. If troublesome areas persist, now is a good time to address them in order to be ready for summer.

3. Liposuction is a better option than Fad or Extreme Diets

I always preach a solid diet and exercise program before considering liposuction, but if traditional weight loss programs have taken you only so far, then I believe liposuction is the better option. Extreme fad diets and certain volatile fasting regimens offer quick, unhealthy short-term fixes that don't last. Lost weight is temporary. Liposuction directly influences areas of fat still present.

4. Sometimes liposuction provides a Spark

Many people respond to their improved body contour by attacking the gym to not only maintain their new look, but even improve upon it. That spark translates to a long lasting trim figure, and a healthier lifestyle.

5. The weather is still cool enough to hide swelling and bruising from liposuction with less revealing clothing.

Special elastic garments are usually needed to be worn for the first 2 weeks after liposuction of certain areas, like the hips, thighs and abdomen to speed the reduction of postoperative swelling and help contour the skin around the regions treated. These less than attractive garbs are easily hidden beneath spring clothing, like trousers or longer dresses.

I am still a staunch advocate of a healthy diet and rigorous exercise routine before resorting to surgery. However, if you have done your best, and still harbor bothersome pockets of fat, now is the time to turn to liposuction in order to enjoy its' benefits this summer. As always, consult with a plastic surgeon with board certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.