Five Ways Nutrisystem is Revolutionizing Dieting

If you've counted calories, carbs or bowls of cabbage soup; been on different diets from every major university, famous doctor or corner of the earth; tried to eat like a bunny or an Italian or a caveman, you are probably sick to death of diets. If you're sick to death of diets, it's probably because none of them worked for you.

But if you're "all aboard" the weight loss train because you want to lose pounds and get healthy, it's time to consider getting off at the Nutrisystem stop. Nutrisystem is changing the way people diet, and the results have been incredible. Here's how they do it.

You won't be hungry:

Even though you'll be eating less calories, you won't be dreaming of pizza and chocolate chip cookies. That's because on this program, you can have them! That's right: With Nutrisystem, you can eat pasta, burgers and even ice cream!

Nutrisystem's perfectly portioned foods are designed by nutritionists, so they have the right balance of protein and fiber to help keep you feeling full. So you'll get to enjoy all of your favorites through Nutrisystem's fully customizable Uniquely Yours Plan, all while meeting your weight loss goals!

You can eat out:

Even the most dedicated dieters need some room to be social. That's why Nutrisystem provides a handy eating out guide that covers everything from vending machine and fast food choices to smarter menu picks. Did you know that the seven-ounce house sirloin at Applebee's has fewer calories and fat than the shrimp salad? You will if you read the guide! You'll have all the tools you need to make sure you stay on track without interrupting your day to day life.

You'll get help every step of the way:

You won't need a little angel on your shoulder to help you avoid pigging out on pizza, overdoing it on vacation or help you stay accountable. You have a Nutrisystem weight loss counselor who is just a phone call away seven days a week. Let an expert talk you down from your cheesecake crisis or help you plan your menu choices for date night.

Need accountability? Most people do. In fact, in one university study involving women who lost a significant amount of weight, those who had even one person to whom they felt accountable were less likely to put the weight back on. You will also have NuMi, theNutrisystem app that lets you easily track everything you eat. Not to mention their blog, The Leaf, which is filled with delicious recipes and tips to help you stay focused on meeting your goals.

You won't be depriving yourself of food:

Your body is hardwired to avoid hunger and you can get anxious if you're following stressful crash diets. When you're trying to lose weight, stress is not your friend.

Nutrisystem is putting an end to diets that make sandwiches with lettuce instead of bread. Best of all, no more forbidden foods that make you want them even more. The Nutrisystem® diet is not only nutritionally balanced, but it gives you all the tools you need to help make your weight loss a long term success.

It really works:

Just ask Chris R. of Stafford, Va. An ex-Marine, Chris was seriously out of shape—by about 120 pounds—when he joined Nutrisystem and got back to fighting weight. *His early success inspired him to eat more vegetables and start working out in the morning before work. Chris is just one of the millions who have found their fitness again with Nutrisystem.

UPDATE: The awesome folks at Nutrisystem are extending a special offer to our readers. Follow this link to receive 40% off the one- time rate with new 4 week auto-delivery order!

*Real Success Story. Weight lost on prior program. Expect to lose an avg 1-2 lbs per week.

This content is sponsored by Nutrisystem.